Solar, Stellar and Space Physics with Machine Learning Workshop

Published: May 15, 2024


The Machine Learning and Data Applications Group in Solar Physics in the School of Mathematics and the Monash Data Futures Institute at Monash University and the Centre of Astrophysics at University of South Queensland ran a workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms for Solar, Stellar and Space Physics.

The workshop aimed to foster Solar and Stellar physics and Space Physics research through the application of ML (Machine Learning) and Deep Learning techniques. The workshop schedule was split between invited talks from researchers working with ML, and two training sessions to up-skill researchers on the use of AI and ML techniques.

The two training sessions run by ADACS focused on:

  1. How to build an expert system for image analysis looking for tracers of sunquake activity.
  2. How to use time series machine learning tools to predict sunspot activity.

Workshop information and materials can be found on ADACS' GitHub account.

Training Development

Node: Curtin University
Developer: Paul Hancock

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