In the 2022B semester two groups requested training in the workflow orchestration language of NextFlow.
The first group, led by Sammy McSweeny at Curtin University, are from the Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) survey team. They have an existing pipeline that is implemented in NextFlow and require training in order to continue develop and maintain the pipeline as they continue to expand their survey, and incorporate new processing components. The SMART survey team use both OzStar and Pawsey to process their data.
The second group, led by Kieran Luken at Western Sydney University, currently have a range of software that they are deploying on a range of small clusters, and are interested in training in the use of HPC systems (see this workshop), as well as how to use NextFlow to create their workflows.
The NextFlow training was delivered on the 16th and 23rd of November face to face at Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA), and online for remote participants.
The syllabus included:
The content of the workshop can be found at GitHub.
Check out some of our other training projects.
A three day workshop aimed at researchers without formal coding/software development training and designed to give people a taste of many different aspects of best practices in scientific computing.
A workshop on ML (Machine Learning) algorithms for Solar, Stellar and Space Physics, hosted at USQ in May, 2024.
Most ECRs do not receive any formal training in critical software engineering skills. The ASA (Astronomical Society of Australia) collaborated with ADACS to run an intensive workshop to address this knowledge gap.