Software support for the SMART pulsar survey

CI: - Dr. Ramesh Bhat The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) survey is a new…

Optimising the SAMI cubing code

CI: - Dr. N. Scott The SAMI data reduction pipeline processes raw data from the…

Universal Cosmic Ray Detection with CREDO

CI: - Dr. A. Duffy We are constantly bombarded by high energy particles from space,…

3D Heat Transport, Burning, and Evolution

CI: - Dr. A. Heger Type I X-ray bursts on the surface of accreting neutron…

Global Fireball Observatory – Astrometric calibration container

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

CI: - Dr. N. Barry The most successful open-source Epoch of Reionisation pipeline is built…

MPI Parallelisation of a Boltzmann Solver for Supernova Simulations

CI: - Dr. B Mueller Most massive stars end their lives in a violent explosion…

Global Firebal Observatory operations – Ansible

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

ASVO UX Training

CI: - Dr. D. Croton User-directed development places the user at the centre of the…